In the steps of Augustine thru France
“THERE ARE MANY PLACES – stretching from Rome to Canterbury – that have associations with his missionary journey to the Anglo-Saxon peoples of England.
This is the main purpose for this pilgrimage guide – to help us follow in his footsteps, to stand where he stood, perhaps to see what he saw, to think his thoughts after him, and discover what may be helpful for our own life-journey today. Our main aim of this particular quest was to follow St. Augustine as he journeyed through ancient Francia (now present-day France) on his way to England, and to learn what we can about the journey first undertaken in AD 596-7.
It seemed to us that this would not only bring to life our own understanding of events that took place over 1,400 years ago, but also that this exploration might be helpful to others who follow some or all of Augustine’s journey through sixth-century France. We have divided the journey into a number of smaller, more manageable stages to describe what Augustine and his companions from Rome might have seen as they journeyed from the south to the north of ancient Francia. On the way, historical details of the period help to enrich our understanding of events. Enjoy the journey!”