The “Historical” in Fiction
In the steps of Augustine thru France
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Augustine of Canterbury: Leadership, Mission and Legacy
Augustine’s mission to Roman Britain in 597 at the behest of Pope Gregory the Great was one of the pivotal events in the history of English Christianity and crucial to its subsequent survival and expansion. Yet little is known about Augustine himself and even less about the leadership he exercised in mounting a mission to the Anglo-Saxon people, or the monastic spirituality that energised the enterprise.
This book sifts and evaluates recent and varied sources to produce a more coherent narrative of the events that led to Augustine’s mission, his complex political and geographical journey through Merovingian France, and the outcomes in Kent and ultimately for British Christianity. Critical leadership issues are considered as they arose on the journey to Kent, together with the spiritual resources available for this bold and unprecedented venture, and Augustine’s legacy as the first Archbishop of Canterbury is reassessed.
Written by an experienced teacher and adult educator, this book explores the significance of the first Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglo-Saxon Church of his day for the life and mission of Christianity in contemporary Britain.
Most people are not professional historians, but are intrigued by events of long ago, not least events within the Roman Empire! We can learn a great deal from the past. The aim of much historical fiction is to bring different eras vividly back to life and also raise some important questions for our own time.
In the history behind a C6th-C7th Legend we want to know how Pope Gregory came to launch a mission to pagan, Saxon England during one of the worst stages of Rome’s history with its wars, politics, intrigue and belief in the soon coming of the End of the World. It’s this small but crucial slice of history that opens up a time that was crucial to Rome, to Pope Gregory, and ultimately to us who read this today.
This blog comprising 16 posts ranges widely over events in Rome, France and Saxon England to understand how, against considerable odds, false starts, and long delays, the Saxon kingdoms began the difficult task of becoming one nation.
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